Suzhou Museum -A Brief Introduction
founded in 1960
the new Suzhou Museum building
is designed by I.M. Pei
(Chinese-American architecture)
is located in the northeast section
of the historic quarter of Suzhou
The design of the Art Museum is organised
around a series of gardens and courts
The main Museum Garden is a
The Classical Gardens Suhou is located in the southeastern part of Jiangsu Province.The city was established as the capital of the state of Wu during the Warring States Period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty,c.476-221 BCE.
拙政园(The Humble Administrator's Garden)是中国苏州的一座著名园林,被誉为江南四大名园之首。拙政园占地面积大约5.2公顷,是中国古代园林建筑的代表之一,以其精美的建筑、精致的布局和优美的景观而闻名。园内有许多亭台楼阁、流水、假山、花木和池塘,每个角落都有不同的景色和故事。在这里可以感受到中国传统园林的独特魅力和文化底蕴。
The Classical Gardens Suhou is located in the southeastern part of Jiangsu Province.The city was established as the capital of the state of Wu during the Warring States Period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty,c.476-221 BCE.
拙政园 TheHumbleAdministrator'sGarden
狮子林 ThelionForestGarden
沧浪亭 TheCanglangPavilion
网师园 TheMaster-of-NetsGarden
留园 TheLingeringGarden